- Apolarity theory, zero-dimensional schemes and their role in complexity theory
Algebraic Complexity, Geometry, and Representations,
Warwick, March 2025
INABAG Conference,
Trento, July 2025
- Equations for tensors via intersection theory
SIAM AG 2025,
Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 2025
- Geometry and asymptotics in the study of tensors
MEGA 2024 - Leipzig - July 2024
- Algebraic Geometry and Complexity Theory
Mathematical Colloquium - University of Bern - May 2024
- Geometric methods for lower bounds in complexity theory
IRIT Scientific Day - Toulouse - December 2023
- Border rank and homogeneous complexity classes
7th Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory (WACT 2023) - University of Warwick - March 2023
- Optimization on Tensor Network Varieties
Workshop on Optimization Under Symmetry - Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing - Berkeley - December 2021
Invited Talks
- Geometry of Tensor Networks
Journée LPT IMT - Toulouse - December 2024
- Geometric Methods in Complexity Theory
Quantum Information Colloquium - Bochum - November 2024
- Subrank of tensors in geometry and invariant theory
Séminaire Méditerranéen de Géométrie Algébrique - Genova - September 2024
- Geometry and asymptotics in the study of tensors
MEGA 2024 - Leipzig - July 2024
- Algebraic Geometry and Complexity Theory
Mathematical Colloquium - University of Bern, Switzerland - May 2024
- Collineation varieties of tensors
Geometry Seminar, Texas A&M University - College Station, TX - May 2024
- Geometric methods for lower bounds in complexity theory
IRIT Scientific Day - Toulouse - December 2023
- Characteristic polynomials of tensors
Nonlinear Algebra Seminar - MPI Leipzig - October 2023
- A Gap in the Subrank of Tensors
SIAM Conference Applied Algebraic Geometry (SIAM AG23) - TU Eindhoven -- Minisymposium: Asymptotic Algebra and Geometry -- July 2023
- Rank algorithms, Hilbert functions and non-saturated ideals
Workshop Cactus v. Secants - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse - May 2023
- Tensor subrank and the geometry of small orbits
Politecnico di Torino - April 2023
- Border rank and homogeneous complexity classes
7th Workshop on Algebraic Complexity Theory (WACT 2023) - University of Warwick - March 2023
- Optimization on Tensor Network Varieties
AGATES Workshop on Tensors in statistics, optimization and machine learning - IMPAN - Warsaw - November 2022
- Lower bounds for Algebraic Branching Programs via Intersection Theory
Applied Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Ulisse Dini - July 2022
- Tensor Subrank and Homomorphism Duality
Workshop on geometry and complexity theory - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse - April 2022
- Optimization on Tensor Network Varieties
Workshop on Optimization Under Symmetry - Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing - Berkeley - December 2021
- Geometry of Tensor Networks
Séminaire Calcul Formel - Université de Limoges - France - October 2021
- Geometry of Direct Sums and Kronecker Powers of Tensors
SIAM Conference Applied Algebraic Geometry (SIAM AG21) - Texas A&M University -- Minisymposium: The Algebra and Geometry of Tensors 1: General Tensors - August 2021
- Geometry of Tensor Network Varieties
Algebra and Geometry Seminar - Università degli Studi di Trieste - Italy - April 2021
- Border rank under direct sum: from Schönhage to tensor networks
Quantum Information, Algebra and Geometry Seminar - Università degli Studi di Trento - Italy - March 2021
- Varieties of sums of powers, Stiefel manifolds and their degrees
Algorithmic Mathematics and Complexity Theory Seminar, TU Berlin - December 2020
- Segre reembedding of secant varieties and multiplicativity of rank and border rank
Real Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Konstanz - November 2020
- Approaching the boundary of tensor network varieties
Geometry Seminar, Texas A&M University - College Station, TX - October 2020
- Border rank and tensor product: geometry and complexity
Nonlinear Algebra Seminar Online - Organized by MPI MiS - Leipzig - March 2020
- Tensors, Symmetries and Matrix Multiplication
Congresso UMI 2019 - Università di Pavia - Italy - September 2019
- Rank, border rank, multiplicativity and entanglement
SIAM Conference Applied Algebraic Geometry (SIAM AG19) - University of Bern -- Minisymposium: Applications of Algebraic geometry to quantum information - July 2019
- Tensors with Symmetries and Matrix Multiplication
Workshop: Theoretical Computer Science and Algebraic Geometry - Max Planck Institute for Informatics - Saarbrücken - Germany - January 2019
- Rank of Forms and Partial Derivatives
Geometry Seminar, Texas A&M University - College Station, TX - November 2018
- Barriers for Geometric Methods in Complexity Theory
UMI-SIMAI-PTM Joint Meeting - Wrocłow - Poland - September 2018
- Tensors with Symmetries and Matrix Multiplication
Workshop: Tensors - Politecnico di Torino - Turin - Italy - September 2018
- SLOCC transformations, tensor restriction and Strassen's asymptotic rank conjecture
Quantum Information, Algebra and Geometry Seminar - Università degli Studi di Trento - Italy - July 2018
- Cactus rank and multihomogeneous polynomials
Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - College Station, TX - April 2018
- Multiplicativity of rank and border rank
Seminario di Geometria - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Ulisse Dini - Firenze - Italy - February 2018
- On multiplicativity of various notions of rank
Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - College Station, TX - September 2017
- Rigidità di matrici e complessità del prodotto matrice-vettore
Seminario di Geometria - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Ulisse Dini - Firenze - Italy - January 2017
- Geometric Complexity Theory and Matrix Powering
TU Berlin - Germany - January 2017
- Geometry and complexity of matrix-vector multiplication
Workshop on Non-linear Algebra - Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences - Leipzig - Germany - January 2017
- Matrix Rigidity and the Complexity of Performing a Linear Map
Differential Geometry and Applications Conference - Masaryk University - Brno - Czech Republic - July 2016
- Geometry of Small Matrix Multiplication
Workshop on Software and Applications in Numerical Algebraic Geometry - University of Notre Dame, IN - May 2016
- The Geometry of Iterated Matrix Multiplication
Computational Algebraic Geometry Seminar - UC Berkeley - November 2014
Local talks
- Collineation Varieties of Tensors
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse - November 2023
- Lower bounds for Algebraic Branching Programs via Intersection Theory
Oberseminar Algebraische Geometrie - Saarland University - June 2022
- Tensor Subrank and Homomorphism Duality
Nonlinear Algebra Seminar - MPI MiS Leipzig - April 2022
- Tensor Network Methods for Computing Spectral Norms of Symmetric Tensors
Nonlinear Algebra Seminar - MPI MiS Leipzig - June 2021
- Varieties of Sums of Powers, Stiefel manifolds and their degrees
Quantum Lunch Seminar - University of Copenhagen - November 2019
- Waring rank, apolarity and partial derivatives
Quantum Lunch Seminar - University of Copenhagen - March 2019
- On the interplay between Algebraic Geometry and Complexity Theory
Quantum Lunch Seminar - University of Copenhagen - November 2017
- Polynomials with maximal catalecticant rank and consequences in complexity theory
Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - April 2017
- Algebra, geometry and complexity: How hard is it to compute a polynomial?
GSO Seminar - Texas A&M University - April 2017
- Matrix rigidity: a measure for the complexity of a linear map
GSO Seminar - Texas A&M University - November 2016
- Introduction to Apolarity: How to solve a cubic equation using linear algebra
GSO Seminar - Texas A&M University - November 2015
- A Discussion on Lee's Paper on Power Sum Decompositions of Elementary Symmetric Polynomials
Graduate Students and PostDocs Working Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - September 2015
- Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity and the Cokernel of the Hadamard-Howe map
Graduate Students and PostDocs Working Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - February 2015
- Degree of determinantal varieties and dimension of Schur modules
Graduate Students and PostDocs Working Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - April 2014
- Tamvakis's connection between Schubert Calculus and Representation Theory
Graduate Students and PostDocs Working Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - February 2014
- Complexity of matrix-vector multiplication and matrix rigidity
Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - January 2014
- On the border rank of Iterated Matrix Multiplication
Graduate Students and PostDocs Working Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University - September 2013
- Rango di Tensori e Varietà Secanti
Seminario di Tesi - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Ulisse Dini - Firenze - March 2012